Behind-the-Scenes with Your Matcha Bloom Team - 2021 Reflection
Are you living a conscious life?
Living a conscious life requires one to be intentional in everything they do. A conscious life is a life lived with purpose and alignment with one’s values.
And it’s from these values that goals are created, plans are developed, and action is taken.
If this sounds like a lot of work, we want you to know that it doesn’t have to be!
Sure, it takes some time and experimentation to determine one’s values, but you’ll know when you’ve identified them based on whether or not you feel energized and fired up when you are taking action that is in alignment with these values.
And it’s through embodying and living out these values that you will feel most connected, happiest, and fulfilled.
Imagine the sense of gratification and excitement you will feel when you are living a life that is aligned with your values…this truly is living your BEST life, as your BEST self!
So, how does one go about identifying their values so they can truly manifest the life they want to live?
We will get into the process we go through to help flesh out your values in a future post, but for now let’s focus on that second part…how do we go about manifesting the life we want to live?
…It all starts with a little self reflection.
What is self reflection?
Self reflection is the process of practicing awareness, being present with your thoughts, and exploring them with a curious, open mind. It’s the process of being self aware and looking within to learn more about oneself so you can become more connected to your true self.
And like any skill worth learning and developing, it’s a mindful act that takes time to develop…but, it’s sooo worth it.
Self reflection can be part of your mindfulness practice and incorporated into your mediation practice, or it can be a journaling exercise that you do routinely every so often.
Regardless of how you choose to reflect, or the process you choose to create around it, self reflection has a number of benefits…
Why is self reflection so important?
Self reflection can be a powerful tool that when properly developed can lead to more growth, positivity, and happiness in your life.
In fact, we would argue it’s an essential skill to personal growth that should be done at least once a year (we’d recommend once a week or once a month if possible) to help you along your path of self development and self improvement.
It can have a profound effect on how you view yourself, your interaction with others, and can even help alter your perception of life.

And just like “The Secret” or The Law of Attraction, the process of including self reflection as part of your mindfulness practice and goal setting process can empower you to manifest and get more out of your life than you ever thought possible!
To help provide some real world examples of what this looks like, we decided to give you a behind-the-scenes look with your Matcha Bloom Team so you can see some of the insights & wins that we identified during our individual processes of self reflection.
…But, before we do, let us first revisit the 7 dimensions of wellness (it will make sense as to why we are doing this in just a moment)...
The 7 Dimensions of Wellness
Recall with us that your wellness is made up of 7 primary dimensions, and they are:
- Emotional Wellness
- Intellectual Wellness
- Physical Wellness
- Social Wellness
- Spiritual Wellness
- Occupational Wellness
- Environmental Wellness
The “goal” of wellness should be to seek balance or homeostasis in all 7 dimensions of wellness.
But, it’s important to realize that we are almost always seeking balance in all 7 dimensions, which implies that we are often times out of balance - and that’s okay!
Life can be a little chaotic at times, but the goal is to seek the right balance for you.
So, why did we decide to revisit the 7 dimensions of wellness when talking about self reflection and goal setting?
…Because over the course of 2021, each one of us was intentional about setting goals within each of these dimensions to help us lead more balanced, fulfilled lives, while building this incredible company that we all feel such a strong connection to!
So, without any further ado, let’s jump right into your Matcha Bloom Team’s process of self reflection, through the lens of these 7 dimensions of wellness…
Behind-the-Scenes with Your Matcha Bloom Team
Intellectual Wellness
“I made a very conscious decision to approach every situation I faced this past year with a growth mindset. In today’s digital age, things change at a very rapid rate and it’s important to keep up with these changes and current trends if you want to remain relevant. Whether it was learning how to operate a new platform or tool, being open to adapting or changing a certain process or way of doing things, or learning a new skill, I did my absolute best to approach all of it with a sense of curiosity and excitement.
As the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant.” And in a world full of change happening at an ever-faster rate, this couldn’t be more true! So rather than fighting or resisting it, why not welcome and embrace it?” - Nick, Marketing
Physical Wellness
“Having never really included any workout or physical wellness goals as part of my goal setting process, I was very intentional about changing this during 2021. To help hold me accountable, I hired a holistic personal trainer to support me with my strength goals. This in combination with my ongoing yoga practice has helped improve my stamina, flexibility, and has given me the space to have “me” time. I have really been amazed at just how much this has helped me in all spectrums of my health and wellness.” - Jenn, Co-Founder
Social Wellness
“I celebrated my one year gotcha-day with my sweet rescue pup, Noelle. When I adopted Noelle in October of 2020, she was two years old and had been living at the dog rescue for over 9 months. She was abused and neglected before the rescue staff found her wandering in a field nearby. They were having a difficult time finding a family for her because she was so shy. All of the outgoing playful pups were chosen for adoption, while she hid and ran from people who came to see her.
After learning a little about her story and spending some time with her, I decided to give her a chance, bring her home, and fill her up with love. I knew all she needed was a safe space and lots of TLC.
It has been such a beautiful journey to witness her growth and blossom as she found safety and love in her new home. She’s as sweet as can be, has such a playful personality, loves a good hike, loves to play in the creek, and her confidence shines when playing with ALL of her friends at the dog park.
I knew this pup would bring me joy, but I really had no idea this much joy was possible. Rescue pups truly are angels sent to fill this world with love, one heart at a time and I encourage anyone with room in their heart to adopt one and see the joy and happiness that follows.” - Molly, Leadership Advisor
Occupational Wellness
“As the Business Operator for Matcha Bloom, I had the pleasure to work with so many different vendors, contractors and manufacturers that aligned with our brand values over this past year. As I continue to evolve in my role, it’s simultaneously uplifting me in all aspects of my life, and vice versa. I’m finding this sense of harmony and integration of being my whole complete Self in each of those buckets in my life now. I get to bring my Artistry into the world of business, and I bring my analytical and managerial aspect into the world of Dance, while offering a sprinkle of spirituality as a Youth Educator.
It’s all melding together in the best way. I now see my path so clearly and I am forever grateful. This is also a huge thanks to the entire Matcha Bloom Team, who are some of the most powerful and most inspirational group of individuals I’ve ever met in this lifetime. I know we are all akin for a reason, and feel a special connection with them on a soul-level.” - Saaya, Operations
Environmental Wellness
“I continue to become more in touch with the earth on a very spiritual level. What started out as a gardening hobby and desire to eat clean, has led to a love and respect for all that Mother Earth has to offer. From the plants our soil supports, to the fungi and bacteria that make it all possible, I’ve become truly fascinated by the microbiome and the wisdom that can come from connecting with plants, trees, and food on an energetic level.
Living in Southern California, the reality is that we live in a toxic environment. Hence, I have been putting emphasis on constantly cleansing and detoxing my body. Recent experiments have included celery juice, heavy metal smoothies, colonics, and lymphatic drainages, to name a few. It is through this experimentation that true health and wisdom can be found.” - Ken, Co-Founder
Spiritual Wellness
“I completed the first year of a two-year journey through a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification program. I’m honored and blessed to be training under Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, two world-renowned teachers who helped introduce mindfulness practices to the Western world over the past several decades. The training is rich with psychological and spiritual depth, requiring powerful inner work as I take my own meditation and mindfulness practice to a deeper state of awareness and compassion.
It’s been an expansive and humbling year. I’m eager and a bit nervous about the upcoming year, when I will begin leading dharma talks and group guided meditations, as I carry out my mission of bringing this life changing practice into the communities around me.” - Molly, Leadership Advisor
Emotional Wellness
“According to the National Institutes of Health, emotional wellness is defined as the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. It also includes the capacity to love and be loved, optimism, self-esteem, self-acceptance, and the ability to share feelings.
We, as a team, have learned to be vulnerable, support one another during times of uncertainty, create space and send positive energy or “good vibes” during times of sorrow, and celebrate each other’s wins. We understand that life can be challenging sometimes and that we are all on our own journey toward discovering what fulfills us and makes us feel happy and whole.
Above all, we continue to make conscious efforts to fill one another with love. We each have our own unique gifts to offer the world, and we realize that together, we are stronger than any one of us is on our own.
As a collective, we vow to continue to pour our hearts and souls into this brand and will do our part to include you in our journey, so together we can all become our absolute best selves and truly live our lives in full bloom!” - Your Matcha Bloom Team

Now, It’s Your Turn
Self reflection is one of the first steps to living a more conscious life.
It’s a mindfulness practice that requires both internal and external reflection of all of the thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and activities that help make up and shape our lives.
And it’s through the process of self reflection and goal setting that we can begin to lead more intentional lives, allowing us to truly become the best versions of ourselves, so we can live life in full bloom!
So, how do you practice self reflection?
What were some of your wins and insights that took place over the course of this past year?
Let us know by emailing us at - we’d love to hear from you!
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